Our Values: Our group strives to prioritize and fight for an inclusive and secure environment, built on mutual respect and trust. We welcome and value students, postdoctoral fellows, and other staff members from all backgrounds, regardless of race, religion, national origin, veteran status, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, parental status, or disability. We believe that a respectful, equitable, and inclusive community has been, and will continue to be, essential for the success of our lab. We are proud that our lab’s research has been used to make policy decisions to clean up the air; with that we carry a responsibility to ensure that the policies enacted are equitable and address racial and socio-economic differences in the air we breathe.
Submit feedback on group culture to the omsbudsperson here.
Current Students:
Yuanlong Huang
Research Scientist: Environmental Science & Engineering
B.S. and M.S. Environmental Science & Engineering, Fudan University, 2011 and 2014
Ph.D. Environmental Science & Engineering, Caltech, 2019
Research Interests: Aerosol physics, chemical modeling, instrument development
Christopher Kenseth
G7: Chemistry
B.S. Chemistry, University of Vermont, 2015
Research Interests: Molecular composition and formation mechanisms of biogenic secondary organic aerosol; mass spectrometric, chromatographic, and synthetic techniques
Elyse Pennington
G5: Chemical Engineering
B.S. Chemistry, Harvey Mudd College, 2017
Research Interests: Regional air quality modeling (CMAQ), Los Angeles air quality
Reina Buenconsejo
G4: Chemistry
B.A. Chemistry, Pomona College, 2015
Research Interests: secondary organic aerosol formation and chemical composition, biomass burning, volatile chemical products
Benjamin Schulze
G4: Environmental Science & Engineering
B.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University, 2016
M.S. Environmental Engineering, Rice University, 2018
Research Interests: Aerosol-cloud interactions, source apportionment, marine aerosol
Clare Singer
G4: Environmental Science & Engineering
B.A. Physics, University of Chicago, 2018.
Research Interests: Lagrangian cloud microphysics models for stratocumulus
Emily de Jong
G3: Mechanical & Civil Engineering
B.S.E. Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University, 2019.
Research Interests: aerosol-cloud interactions, climate modeling
Ryan Ward
G3: Environmental Science & Engineering
B.S. Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering, University of Florida, 2019.
Research Interests: aerosol physics, aerosol-cloud interactions, anthropogenic impacts on air quality and climate
Recent Alumni:
Sophia Charan, AAAS
Weimeng (Stephanie) Kong, California Air Resources Board
Brigitte Rooney
Kelvin Bates, Harvard University
Renee McVay, Environmental Defense Fund
Becky Schwantes, NCAR
Matt Coggon, NOAA
Kate Schilling, Yale University
Xuan Zhang, NCAR
Joey Ensberg, United Technologies
Yi Chun Chen, Academia Sinica Taiwan
Jill Craven, Intel
Christine Loza, 3M
Lindsay Yee, UC Berkeley
Andrew Metcalf, Clemson University
Zach Lebo, University of Wyoming
Man Nin Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Scott Hersey, Olin University
Havala Pye, US EPA
Arthur Chan, University of Toronto
Jason Surratt, University of North Carolina
Shane Murphy, University of Wyoming
Armin Sorooshian, University of Arizona
Daven Henze, University of Colorado, Boulder
Sally Ng, Georgia Tech
Former Lab Fish: