John H. Seinfeld

Louis E. Nohl Professor
California Institute of Technology
Mail Code 210-41
Pasadena, California 91125
(626) 395-4635
(626) 796-2591 (fax)



B.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Rochester (1964)
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Princeton University (1967)


California Institute of Technology
Chairman, Division of Engineering and Applied Science, 1990-2000
Louis E. Nohl Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1980-
Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1974-1979
Executive Officer for Chemical Engineering, 1973-1990
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1970-1974
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1967-1970


Wallace Memorial Fellow, Princeton University, 1966-1967
Donald P. Eckman Award, American Automatic Control Council, 1970
Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar Grant, 1972
Curtis W. McGraw Research Award, American Society for Engineering Education, 1976
Allan P. Colburn Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1976
Thirty-Second Institute Lecturer, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1980
Public Service Award, NASA, 1980
National Academy of Engineering, 1982
William H. Walker Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1986
Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1986
George Westinghouse Award, American Society for Engineering Education, 1987
Special Creativity Award, National Science Foundation, 1988
Service Through Chemistry Award, Orange County Section of American Chemical Society, 1988
Distinguished Alumnus Award, College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Rochester, 1989
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1991
Award for Creative Advances in Environmental Science and Technology, American Chemical Society, 1993
Fellow, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1995
Fuchs Award, 1998
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1999
Warren K. Lewis Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2000
Nevada Medal, 2001
Doctor of Science honoris causa, University of Patras, 2002
Doctor of Science honoris causa, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002
Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award, State of California Air Resources Board, 2003
Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2004
Atmospheric Environment Haagen-Smit Award, 2004
ASLI Choice Award, “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics”, Atmospheric Science Librarians International, 2006
Aurel Stodola Medal, ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), 2008
Named one of the “One Hundred Engineers of the Modern Era” by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2008
Doctor of Science honoris causa, Clarkson University, 2009
Tyler Prize, 2012
National Academy of Sciences, 2013